
Top Pound for Pound Amature Fighters in B.C.

#1.  Jeremy Kennedy- MMA record:  6-1   (Previous Ranking #3)

Current Battlefield Fight League Amature Featherweight Champion.

Notable wins over Tristan Storrs, Chris Day and Oren Hanscomb.

*Beat Tristan Storrs Since last Ranking on April 10th.

#2.  Micah Brakefield- MMA record: 3-1 (Previous Ranking #9)

Currrent Battlefield Fight Leauge Amature Middleweight Champion.

Notable wins over Justin Lansing, Jer Kornelsen and Nathan Swayze.

*Beat Jer Kornelsen and Justin Lansing since last Ranking on April 10th.

#3.  Stu Deleurme-MMA record: 5-1 (Previous Ranking #4)

Notable wins over Leo Xavier, Bryce Gougeon and Ben Cote.

*Beat Leo Xavier in a split decision since the last Ranking on April 10th.

#4.  Cam Deleurme-MMA record: 5-2 (Previous Ranking #2)

Notable wins over Jeremy Kennedy and Oren Hanscomb who have a combined record of 11-4.

*Has been inactive since last ranking on April 10th.

#5.  David Kennedy-MMA record: 4-1 (Previously Not in the top 10)

Notable win over Jonathan Agnew.

*Beat Jonathan Agnew since last ranking on April 10th.

#6.  Leo Xavier-MMA record: 2-1 (Previous Ranking #6)

Bjj Blackbelt, fights at both Middleweight and Welterweight.

*Lost a split-decision to #3 ranked Stu Deleurme since the last Ranking on April 10th.

#7.  Jer Kornelsen-MMA record: 3-2 (Previous Ranking #9)/ Chris Day-MMA record: 7-4 (Previously Not in the top 10)

Jer Kornelsen: Notable wins over all previously undefeated Jesse Bird, Dave Furgason and Jesse Wiersboski.

*Lost to #2 Ranked Micah Brakefield and beat Jesse Bird since last Ranking on April 10th.

Chris Day: Close decision losses to #1 ranked Jeremy Kennedy and former Battlefield Featherweight Champ Gary Mangat.

*Beat Eli Wyse in a Lightweight fight since the last Ranking on April 10th.

#8.  Adam Santos-MMA record: 5-1 (Previous Ranking #5)

Notable win over Tristan King.

*Lost a decision in a smaller promotion since last Ranking on April 10th.

 #9.  Ash Mashreghi/Marco Caffiero (Previous Ranking #8)

Both guys are huge Welterweights, have looked impressive in all their outings, dynamic athletes, Powerful strikers.

*Both guys have been inactive since the last Ranking on April 10th.

#10.  Kirk Tse-MMA record: 3-0 (Previously Not Ranked)

Notable win over Sabi Sangha.

*Beat Sabi Sangha since last ranking on April 10th.

Honorable mentions:
Oliver Vajda, Chris Anderson, , Justin Lansing, Jesse Bird, Jason Keller, Oren Hanscomb, Bryce Gougeon, Jonathan Agnew and Yusuf Njie

Matt Dwyer would be the #1 choice but not on this list because he is making his pro debut on August 20th, 2011 and there will no longer be taking part in Amature mma competition.