
Overdelivering the Undercard

BFL25You better run a few laps in Richmond before walking into River Rock Saturday night. BFL25’s undercard is so stacked you wont have time to warm-up. Each one of these fights would easily make it to the maincard any other night. Check it out:

Don’t be late for the Nicholson – Kellerman fight. These guys are both top 10 Ammy bantamweight fighters looking to get into title contention – Both are tall for their weight-class, well rounded, and hungry!

Second fight of the night has undefeated David Moon against Christian Allart who was the Featherweight champ in a smaller promotion. He has been undefeated since his move to BFL. It will be interesting to see who will control the fight as Allart should have an advantage on the mat but Moon will want to keep it standing.

Next Curtis Harriot, one of the top amateur prospects in all of Canada moves up in weight to face the seasoned Van Allard. Allard moves down in weight after fighting Warman for the title in another promotion. This is gonna be CRAZY!!

OMG, we are all so excited about this next fight. It could easily be the mainevent on any card…
Two devastating strikers promise to raise the roof at the River Rock casino. Check out what Moghaddam & Kornelsen had to say about the fight:

In a couple days we’ll give you some inside scoop on the co-Main event participants` but first about tomorrow’s post: Saturday night we will be announcing a new Ammy Featherweight champ. We’ll tell you all about it in the next post.

Talk tomorrow

Your BFL crew

ps. BFL Ring girls are thinking about doing some wild stunts in the Cage Saturday night. Which one is your favorite?