
Qualify to stream a BFL47 bout

Tweet to Qualify to stream a BFL47 bout

Would you like to watch BFL47 for free?

There are 17 bouts on this fight card. We will only broadcast any individual fight that gets a total of 16 tweets that fit the following criteria (Please note that fights which do not qualify will only be available to the live audience and not at all through the internet or any other means):

  1. Include the following twitter handles: @danawhite @battlefieldfl @dinthomas @mattserraufc
  2. Include the following hashtags: #bflmma #lookingforafight
  3. Include twitter handle for one or both of the fighters in the bout you’re wanting to watch.
  4. Retweets do not count. Every tweet must be original to count towards the total 16 tweets.
  5. Each individual Twitter account can only tweet for one fight. We will only count the first tweet and use it as a vote for that particular fight. So you CANNOT tweet for two fights. Choose one fight and tweet for that fight.
  6. The twitter account used must be at least 1 month old (does not apply to fighters). It must also follow @BattlefieldFL & the fighters for the fight they’re tweeting about
  7. We only count one tweet per account – Don’t spam
  8. The deadline is this Friday at 6pm. Tweets after 6pm will not be counted


Here are sample tweets (These are just examples. Use your own words. Remember tweets must be unique):

From a friend / Fan:
Hey @danawhite come watch my buddy @BukwasAnderson fight 4 @battlefieldfl Bring @dinthomas & @mattseraufc to YVR #lookingforafight #bflmma

From one of the fighters:
Hey @danawhite come watch me fight for @battlefieldfl Bring @dinthomas & @mattseraufc to Vancouver for a fun night #bflmma #lookingforafight

Example of numbers to make 16 total tweets:
Fighter one and fans 8 tweets
Fighter two and fans 8 tweets


Fighter one and fans 2 tweets
Fighter two and fans 14 tweets

Any combination that gives 16 or more total tweets towards a fight will work.

Please note: We will broadcast only the fights for which the fighters and the fans have voted through this system. We will carefully make sure the rules are followed. Please read the above a few times and ask if you have any questions. You have between now and Friday to share this with fans and vote for the fight that you would like to watch. Remember you can only vote for one fight.